BOM in htaccess file
Posted by sarneil on 12 Jun 2018 in Announcements
I was creating an htaccess file to restrict access to a folder on I used BBedit to create the file. It's configurations said it was not include a Byte Order Mark in the file (i.e. encoding was set to UTF-8, and not UTF-8 with BOM). When I uploaded the file to the server and accessed it in the browser I got an internal server error.
Sysadmin checked logs and told me there was a BOM (\xef\xbb\xbf) at the start of the file. That did not appear in BBEdit (even with Show Invisibles enabled).
I opened the file in Nano and no BOM was visible in that editor either. I deleted the file and retyped it from scratch in Nano, and that worked.
This entry was posted by Stewart and filed under Announcements.