Bibliography reconfiguration
Began work on the task of centralizing all the bibliography items.
In the existing marked-up article, there was a combination of some local items, listed at the end, and some "centralized" items, in the main site biblio. First, I copied all the items from the article into their appropriate locations in the main biblio; then I changed the references pointing to them so that they point to the remote file. Tested this, and those links in the text are still working.
Next, I commented out the complete <bibl>
items in the article file, and replaced them with items that look like this:
<bibl corresp="../../back_matter/biblio/biblio.xml#dejean_2003"></bibl>
My basic plan is to have the full text of these items retrieved by the XQuery, so that they're complete again. However, this is slightly paradoxical, since it means that there are references in the main text which point at the remote bibliography, and retrieve their data by AJAX, while the actual biblio entries will be sitting in the document itself by the time the XQuery has run and retrieved them. I need to think about this again, I think. The main difficulty is the requirement to list some items at the end of the article, while others actually referred to in the text are not listed for some reason. Also, I can't simply retrieve all the referenced items and list them in a sorted list at the end, because CC likes to divide them into groups ("Sources" and "Études citées"). I may need to accept a degree of redundancy in the interest of allowing maximum flexibility for article authors. Still thinking...