Another approach to original vs. modern transcriptions
I've always been unhappy with the way original and modern transcriptions in the engravings are stored in separate annotations and linked to separate zones. I think a better approach would be to combine the two within one annotation, inside special divs that mark them as alternates:
<div type="transcription_alternates">
<div type="transcription_orig">
<div type="transcription_modern">
The XSLT could then provide a single pop-up annotation window with a choice of two tabs at the top or the bottom, so you could switch between them. It could even remember your preference (the last tab you looked at) in a cookie.
It might be possible to automate the conversion of the existing code to this new approach using XSLT; you'd have to identify zones which were equivalent (mostly overlapping), and rewrite the contents of the Transcription category so it contains both, then delete the modernized ones. I think this would definitely be a cleaner approach to providing both transcriptions.