Claire Carlin's well-known and ground-breaking digital anthology Le mariage sous L'Ancien Régime, which is programmed and maintained by HCMC, has today moved to an all-static edition following Endings principles and using the staticSearch engine. This marks the eighth project to have an all-static publication as part of Endings.
January 20, 2021
January 18, 2021
Edition 3.8 of Dr. Kim Blank's excellent site Mapping Keats's Progress has been released.
January 9, 2021
Martin Holmes and Joey Takeda have released the second production version of their staticSearch tool, one of the key products from Project Endings. This version adds several new features and improvements. See the release notes and full documentation.
January 5, 2021
As of today, the Scandinavian-Canadian Studies Journal, and the Robert Graves Diary project, both maintained by HCMC, have migrated to pure static websites built according to Endings principles and using the staticSearch engine.
December 11, 2020
Edition 3.7 of Dr. Kim Blank's excellent site Mapping Keats's Progress has been released.