Adding a new IDs
When you encounter a new person, place or group you need to create a new ID for them in the appropriate folder. It is important to first check if this new ID is already in the database under another name. This typically happens with people when they are known by an alias or simply spelled differently by another author. Once you confirm they are new you need to take the first four letters of the name and add a number to the end that has not been used in order to create a unique identity. To do this please go to the following link: . This is a workaround that we are using to find if the ID has been taken. It will scan the documents for the ID you choose and if the search fails you know the ID is available. If you have any more issues consult Greg. I have an example below for you to see how it works.
I want to add Thrysybulus as he is new.
Next I go to the link and check IDs to find a free one starting with THRA1.
Link again:
THRA1 through THRA 8 return results, I find that THRA9 is the first available ID as the search fails.
I now go into the PERS document and add THRA9 now I markup my text