At SA's request, I've added a count of tags to each category in the interview rendering; the word-count is done in JavaScript in the HTML because it's easier that way, but the tag-count is more easily done in the XSLT so that's what I've done. I also added a report on unused tags to the index page, because I think we should get rid of any that we don't use as soon as possible.
Category: "Activity log"
I'm through the first pass at creating a little website for the category analysis, and I went to the trouble of getting it to work in Windows as well (which took at least half of the time spent). The only wrinkle apart from Windows filepath-wrangling was that I had to deal with the fact that for base categories, the same block of text may be retrieved multiple times from the same interview because it's tagged with multiple sub-categories, so I had to filter out those dupes.
180 minutes.
I finally have the rather gnarly code that finds and lists the best candidates for tagged interviews working, and I'm now using that to build all the HTML interviews. I've also added anchors to the HTML so that when I'm creating the analysis listings pages, each extract can link to its source in context. Those pages are next. 180 minutes.
All-day workshop had everybody tagging with Oxygen, and my two interviews both got fully encoded; I'm now working on the processing which will create a useful set of listings pages for each of the categories. 420 minutes.
Although I've only got one done ahead of the Monday workshop, I do have it tagged, and I've fairly solidly tested the tagging process. All seems to be OK. 120 minutes.
Started tagging one of the interviews I've been assigned using the new tagging tools, and in the process found and fixed a bug in the HTML rendering. I'm about half-way through this article. Also updated the documentation by adding to the schema processing a list of the categories in the body of the text, which is really helpful for tagging. 180 minutes.
Redid my CV and attachments for this application. Long and painful process. 180 minutes.
I made a lot of progress today, getting used to how the Rhino engine works with the Oxygen API, and I now have two working actions with linked interface components (toolbar buttons and menu items) which allow you to add tags and also to clear tags from an entire selection. I've also added icons for these, and I've worked on the CSS for the Author view so it's easier to tell what tags in the text represent, by hovering over the curly brace representing the start tag. I think we now have a proper working environment for rapid tagging. The next stage is to have some usability testing done by HCMC folks, who in any case need to tag their texts. 360 minutes.
Spent some time paper-tagging one of my interviews (not done yet) and then at the meeting demoed the plugin. Discussion led to suggestions for more categories, which I added into the schema. 120 minutes.
Met with JJ to plan DHSI course outline. Good progress.